My Journey of Building a High-Performing Engineering Team

Are you a top-performing software engineer considering a move to management? This one is for you!

I’ve been exactly where you are right now. A top-performing individual contributor, crushing code and tech challenges left and right. You were the the person that managers would brag about for getting tasks done in record time.

One day, you get pulled into a conversation with your manager. “We’d like you to explore the path to management…”

I’ve thought about becoming a manager and even expressed my interest, but nothing prepared me for what was about to come.

As an Individual Contributor (IC), my world revolved around deep work, solving difficult technical issues. I’d put on my noise-canceling headphones, queue up some focus music, and just disappear into coding for hours on end. There was nothing quite like that feeling of being in the zone, your mind flowing from one line of code to the next, piecing together solutions like a jigsaw puzzle.

Becoming a manager was a big adjustment. I went from feeling comfortable in my coding world to suddenly being responsible for my whole team’s output. My coding expertise wasn’t the key to success here. The new challenges were more about understanding my team, their strengths, and how to keep them motivated.

The transition to manager was difficult at first. Imposter syndrome kicked in, I doubted myself at every corner. I felt more confident as I started to practice more and once I got the hang of managing, something clicked. My impact had multiplied tenfold. Instead of just being a single 10x engineer, I was becoming the coach that up-leveled entire teams to incredible performance.

The transition to becoming a leader was unbelievably rewarding when I took the leap. I benefited from the help of others and now I want to share what I’ve learned with you.

Shifting Your Focus from Lines of Code to Lines of Leadership

My journey started started when my company offered a pilot program for engineers who interested in management. They called this a technical lead role. The company paired me with another colleague, and together we started taking on leadership tasks.

The pilot program was an incredible opportunity since it provided a taste of what managing was like: one-on-one meetings, performance assessments, and leading project discussions. We were able to experience everything except expenses, time off and salary discussions. We were introduced to the role without jumping in headfirst.

The best part of the program was that at the end, we had the choice to stay as individual contributors or transition to management roles. Being given that choice took the pressure off, allowing us to carefully evaluate our personal goals, strengths, and career aspirations without feeling forced into a particular path.

The presence of a buddy in the program was an invaluable asset. We kept each other motivated, exchanged ideas, and gained insights from one another’s unique perspectives.

From Individual Brilliance to Team Impact

As an individual contributor, there’s a sweet spot where you’ve truly mastered the codebase and can deploy code seamlessly. That feeling of everything clicking into place and being unstoppable is unparalleled. During the transition to management, your whole mindset has to shift. Suddenly, your wins aren’t just about your own output anymore, it’s about helping your team of engineers reach their full potential, together. This can feel unnatural at first.

I struggled in my first few months as a technical lead. I was still pumped on that IC adrenaline, wanting to add my name to the scrum board. Except now, it wasn’t just my work, I felt responsible for everything that the team contributed to. Add in the constant meetings, and I was feeling overwhelmed.

Deadlines loomed, my tasks unfinished, and my team was waiting on me. I recognized that I could no longer be the blocker for my team. That experience highlighted a crucial point: this new role required a whole new way of thinking. My tendency to handle everything myself was no longer serving me or my team. I needed to learn to let go and empower my people to take ownership and drive progress.

The turning point came when I focused on delegating and prioritizing the growth and success of my team. By empowering my team and removing roadblocks, I was able to achieve far more than I ever could have on my own. The sense of fulfillment in seeing my team thrive was unparalleled. That feeling beats any personal win, hands down.

From Technical Expertise to Strategic Vision

As an IC, I lived and breathed code. Untangling complex tasks and emerging with elegant solutions? That was my jam. I knew the document uploader platform inside and out, down to the most intricate details.

As a technical lead, I had to zoom out and see the entire playing field. My new skill became strategic thinking. I was collaborating with product to prioritize projects, constantly communicating with other teams to clear roadblocks, and analyzing our development process to identify any weaknesses or slowdowns.

Great leaders can switch gears quickly and hold onto the big picture while also diving into the nitty-gritty when needed. My boss called it “helicoptering in and out.” Basically, I spend most of my time at a high altitude, making sure all our efforts aligned with the company’s goals. When my team hits some roadblocks, conflicts, you name it, I land the helicopter, get down in the weeds, and provide debugging issues, figuring out server problems, whatever fire comes up. Once the chaos calms, I go back up in the air getting the bigger picture again, in a constant cycle of zooming in and out, mastering the shift between vision and execution.

This transition can feel daunting. You built your reputation as a rockstar IC! Why mess with that? But taking that leap and expanding your impact is what separates good managers from great leaders.

And guess what? Your coding skills don’t vanish. They just get amplified across your entire team. You become the architect, helping everyone level up and achieve amazing things together. Pretty cool, right?

Essential Leadership Superpower Unlocks

Leveling up from IC to manager meant honing new skills. Instead of fixing bugs, I helped my engineers hit deadlines by breaking down projects into manageable tasks.

Communication Mastery

Alright, let’s state the obvious, engineers can sometimes get so immersed in the technical world that explaining things to non-technical folks can be a challenge. As an IC, it’s easy to focus on the code and let communication take a backseat.

As a manager, communication becomes a superpower and understanding your team’s needs, roadblocks, and aspiration. You become a translator, bridging the gap between the technical world and the broader business goals. This means rallying your team around company initiatives, explaining complex ideas to executives and stakeholders, advocating for your team, building relationships across departments, and clearing the path for them to shine.

Mastering communication is a journey, but the rewards are incredible. When you can seamlessly connect engineers, VPs, and everyone in between, you become the mastermind who unites the team and paves the way for amazing things to happen.

Coaching & Developing Future Generations

As ICs we take pride in crafting perfect solutions ourselves. As an IC, I prioritized optimization and efficiency.

As a manager, a whole new world of impact opens up. You become an investor in your team, focusing on coaching and development. It’s about understanding each person’s strengths and areas for growth, and then creating opportunities for them to shine. You become the matchmaker, pairing them with mentors and projects that stretch them in the best way.

Building Trust and Psychological Safety

How do you create an environment that thrives?

The answer lies in building trust and psychological safety by creating a space where your team feels comfortable sharing anything. Imagine stand-up meetings that aren’t just dry reports, but lively discussions about crazy ideas, lessons learned from failures, and bold experiments. No egos, no judgment, just open communication.

As the leader, you set the tone. Be honest about your own mistakes, embrace constructive criticism, and cheer on every attempt, even the ones that go sideways. Lead with authenticity, vulnerability, and empathy.

Feeling the growing pains of managing an engineering team?

Ready to transition from coder to leader? Let’s unlock your leadership potential together. Schedule a free coaching session with me now and start your transformation.

Additional Resources

The transition from being an individual contributor to becoming an engineering manager is a significant career shift that requires developing new skills and adopting a different mindset. The additional resources provided below offer invaluable guidance and insights to help navigate this transition successfully. These books provide practical strategies for handling common challenges faced by new managers, such as building trust with their team, delegating effectively, and developing a strategic vision.

The Manager’s Path: A Guide for Tech Leaders Navigating Growth and Change” by Camille Fournier

I learned the importance of developing a range of skills to effectively navigate the different stages of engineering management. The book highlighted that leading a team requires a focus on skills such as hiring the right talent, providing constructive feedback for performance management, and creating a collaborative team environment.

The First 90 Days: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter by Michael D. Watkins

I gained valuable insights on how to effectively transition into a new management role and hit the ground running. The book explains the importance of the first 90 days in shaping perceptions and building momentum. I found it helpful for rapidly assessing situations, identifying priorities, securing early wins, and laying the groundwork for long-term success.

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You by Julie Zhuo

I learned about the significant mindset shift and new responsibilities involved in transitioning from an individual contributor role to a management position. The book provided an honest perspective on the challenges that newly appointed managers often face, such as learning to effectively delegate tasks, delivering constructive feedback to direct reports, and cultivating trust within their teams.

The First-Time Manager by Loren B. Belker, Jim McCormick, and Gary S. Topchik

I learned about unique challenges that come with stepping into a managerial role for the first time. The book offered pragmatic guidance on essential managerial skills that are often not covered in traditional career development, such as effective delegation, giving clear and constructive feedback, and proactively managing conflicts within the team. By following the strategies outlined in this book, new managers can learn to navigate the steep learning curve and set themselves up for success in their new leadership responsibilities.

Making The Leap from Individual Contributor to Engineering Manager

This article from Reforge provides a comprehensive overview of the key differences between being an IC and an engineering manager, and the skills and mindset shifts required to make the transition successfully. I learned about the fundamental shift in responsibilities, from primarily executing technical tasks to enabling and empowering a team of engineers to succeed. The article outlined key differences in the day-to-day work, including prioritizing people management, removing blockers for the team, and taking a strategic view of initiatives beyond just coding.

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